Monday, December 7, 2009


Dear Dairy,

Day 1: Today was a very eventful day! first I woke up and had a great breakfast and headed to work. I am a doctor at Plato's Paradise general hostipal, I work with little children before and after they have big operations. It really makes my day to see them smile after a hard and difficult day. Then I head down to the park to walk my dog, the people are so friendly here and the salty air is refreshing. After that I go to the movies and watch a funny comedy. It was halarious. And then I hang with my new friends and go to dinner with them. They are very kind. I go home and go to bed.

Day 2: Today I have the day off. I am going to do some shopping for my house. It is a beautiful day like always couldless blue sky. When I get to the mall, I look a numerous stores that really fit my personality. Then I go to yoga class that strengths my core. Next I go surfing and hit some major waves, after that I go to the ice cream parlor order chocalte of course. Everything is so wonderful and peaceful here. I absolutely love it!

Day 3: This is my third day here and I just can't get enough of it. There are just to many activies to do. Such as bowling, rollerskating, sports, and many others. I will try to do all of them. Then I am going to the old folks home to visit them and sing song with my choir.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Daily itinerary

An average person in Plato's Paradise has a very busy schedule, here is a normal day (varies with person.)

6:00 am- Wake up and get ready for an amazing day!
7:00 am- Goes to work at a job that he/she loves, has lots of breaks and a good lunch provided by employer.
2:00 pm- gets home, and changes into clothes that will work for the days activities
2:30 pm- head's down to a local and beautiful beach
3:00 pm- arrives at beach and rents scuba gear, goes scuba diving along the beautiful under water coral areas with a diverse fish population
5:00pm- finishes perfecting an awesome tan
5:30 pm- gets home showers and has a lavishing dinner.
6:00pm- can go down to local massaging clinic and get a massage if wanted.
7:00pm- go for a nightly swim or watch T.V
8:00 pm- get ready for bed, brush teeth
9:00pm- Have a good night, sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bit!



Here at Plato's Paradise we are all about F-U-N and knowledge. From scuba diving with the dolphins on our luxurious beaches to learning about marine biology. Or feeling it's a day for shopping. Well you can go to the mall go shopping, find the percent change and how much you spent. Also maybe your in the mood for a beautiful hike in our scenic mountians while calcuting the incline or elevation of the mountian or how many different wild spieces there are in the forest! Here fun and learning are like peanutbutter and jelly. They are compatible in the same way you and Plato's Paradise are!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Governing Body

Here at Plato's Paradise we are a democrocy, we elect our leaders every two years, every citisen is expected to vote, but is not forced upon the people. We elect our leaders based on what they will do to benefit and improve our utopia. If there is ever a leader who is elected, but does not help our utopia in any way, or the damage they do is bigger the the good they contribute, a vote will be held by all the people over 18 to remove that person from there position of office, if the public votes no, a second leader will be elected in order to be a secratary, and monitor the first leaders decisions. Important decisions will be made by elected officals, commites, the presidant, and in some cases, depending on the issue at hand, the genrel public will also be used to make decisions.

seal and motto

Motto: "Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child." ideals from Ron Wild. We chose this as our Utopia motto because it really says to us learn a lot through the year, but keep an open mind like a child today.

Invatation to friends

Dear Friend,

How are you? Here in Plato's Paradise we are doing very good! Our utopia is clean and nice and the people are smart and friendly and know how to have a good time. Plato's paradise is a great vacation place, and an amazing place to buy a house and stay for ever! Our utopia is the best place to live because there are plenty of safe places for all kinds of people, that means that no one will rob you or kidnap you but it is not like a jail, you can have fun at parks, beaches, malls, comminuty activities and more!

Love, Plato's Paradise

Monday, November 23, 2009

Declaration fo Independence

We the people of Plato's Paradise believe that to make a "more perfect" society that we must navigate away from dishonesty, deceiving, and injustice. We are making this community because we feel that all other societies are messed up! For example health care issues, leadership scandals, and not to mention senators, representators, and governors buy votes just because they can, are things that are threatening other societies. We, at Plato's Paradise try to stay away from these issues and more. Last January the presidential election cost millions of billions of money, enough money to feed a small country, 10% of all our tax dollars, local charity funds, and donations from citizens go to small poor countries that can not get enough funds to sustain themselves. We promise and commit ourselves to leave these money crazed, thief oriented, and bad societies behind. And to build a "more perfect" society.